Current Issue
From Sac, vol 8: Open Space
Poetry "Harvest Moon on Friday the 13th" & "Rural CT Road" by Jan Ball "Languid Beams of Afternoon Light" by Emily Black "The Sky Above Me" by CJ DaGren "This Sky Traveler" & "One More Time, Swallowed by Surrounds" by John Grey "North Shore" & "Mount Beacon" Robert René Galván "The First Seven Mile Run" & "What to Say About Where to Live" by Haley Lane Johannesen "Landscape Unspectacular" & "A Dog Amongst Dustbins" by DS Maolalaí "The Sky Responds to My Entreaties" & "Notes on Sky-Watching" by Julia McConnell "Neosho", "Glaciers", & "Groves" by TD Nelson "You don't have a door . . ." & "You follow half the moon . . ." by Simon Perchik "Canterberry Tails" by Gerard Sarnat "Flight Through Solid Sky" by Kelly Talbot Art "Things are not Always Pleasant 3", "Feeling Strange 3", "Pains is a Merry-go-Round 1b", "Tornado of Beauty 21", "Rigid 2", "Inventing the Wheel" by Edward Supranowicz |
Past Issues
From Sac, vol 7: Change
Poetry "Flycatcher Aubade" by Stephen Barile "The End of Silence" by Robert Beveridge "The Others" by Christine Brooks "Transmetamorphosis" & "Empathy" by Yuan Changming "Something Happens" & "The Hawk" by Jean Colonomos "A Licit Landscape" & "A Meditation" by Mary Ann Dimand "Certainty" by Chelsea Logan "Homemade Medicine" & "Linoleum" by DS Maolalai "Myself" by Cameron Morse "This comb stretching out . . .", "Though your shadow carries names . . .", & "To remind these dead . . ." by Simon Perchik "Unreasonable" by Christina E. Petrides "Flight of the Hours" & "Listen to the World Cry" by Fabrice Poussin "Not Feeling It" by David Romanda Fiction "The Lagoon of the Almost-Lost" by Ann Boaden "Chuck" by B. H. James "Sweet Bitter Sorrow" by Mark Keane "Untrodden Depths" by Hayden Moore "Typewriter Tip Tip Tip" by Laura Roberts Non-Fiction "The Crunch" by Erica Sanders Art "Figure Contortion 1" & "Figure Contortion 2" by Nick Maynard "2020_1" & "2020_24" by Jeremy Szuder |
From Sac, vol 6: Voices
Poetry "Onomatpoetics" by Ivars Balkits "Afterworlds" by Cass Francis "Black Cows" by Liv H. Scott Fiction "Pigg River" by James William Gardner "Panther Peak" by Cindy Knoebel Art "Three Faces", "Entanglement", "Moonfall", & "Spirit of Tanada" by Marc André McAllister For the journal's audio version, check out the Soundcloud album here: From Sac: Voices |
From Sac, vol 5: Insanity
Poetry "The Doorway" by Karl William Cordtz "Beneath" & "Cannery" by Holly Day "The Passing Down" by Erric Emerson "Classic Clown" & "Holstein" by Tim Kahl "Say Again" by Bruce McRae "Dusting", "Falling Asleep", &"Preface to Broken Branches" by Cameron Morse Two poems by Simon Perchik "Splinters" by D. Andre Worrell Fiction "Red Room" by Genelle Chaconas "Fourteen Terrible Things" by Hampton Gray Gaddy "Pathology of Self and Strangers" by Cassandra Passarelli "The Shop" by Jilly Pretzel Creative Nonfiction "Old Boys, Young Men" by David James Hobdy III "A Brief, Reasonable Essay . . ." by Aaron Stypes Photography "Fearless", "Masked", "Roar", & "Union Bag" by J. Ray Paradiso "Believing", "Brothers", & "Prisoners" by Fabrice Poussin "Millbrook" & "OWW" by David S. Rubenstein |
From Sac, vol 4: Outsider
Poetry “Eddie Bordac” & “Richard Parker Says” by Carl Boon “The Mother” by Jay Frankston “After I Returned” by Tamer Mostafa “Composition” by Kassandra M.Lighthouse Five poems by Simon Perchik “Lingering”, “Molodowsky and Markovsky”, & “no god” by Rachel Rose Teferet “Bass Intentions” & “Bhikku” by Kelly Talbot ”an old anemic doesn’t have enough iron . . .” by Zach Trebino Fiction “Rabbit Mind” by Zachary Calhoun “America Speaks” by Rick Edelstein “The Manly Art” by Delbery R. Gardner “An Unfinished and Disorganized Family History” by Matt Gillick “Trivial Pursuit” by Cass Hayes “The Argonaut” by Adam Phillips “Via Dolorosa” by Alexander Ramirez “One Foot” by Ron Riekki “Every Breath Holds Company” by Michelle Marie Robles Wallace Non-fiction “That Other Hijab Story” by Maryah Converse Four poems about Dan by Kathryn Jacobs “The Dress” by Maiv Lig Lauj “Into the Den” by Ari Rosenschein “Every Step He Takes” by Shelley Stolaroff Segal “How to Make an Apple Pie” by Arielle Silver “Treading on Art” by Inna Telkova Art “Bayuquan: People’s Republic of China (1995)”, “Bombay, India (1980)”, “Calcutta, India (1980)”, & “People’s Republic of China (1994)” by Mark Wyatt |
From Sac, vol. 3: Human Patterns
". . . And We're Rolling" by Jordon Briggs "My Favorite Disease" by Jordan Davidson "Pictures of the Past" by C.J. Green "After the Sale" by Tamer Mostafa |
From Sac, vol. 2: Life & Death
Two Poems by Brettin White "On the Mountain" by Nate McQueen "The City" & "Midnight in South Lake Tahoe" by Tamer Mostafa "Cup of Fury" by Marc McAllister "In a Place Outside of the City" by James Tan "Carousel" by Jordon Briggs |
From Sac, vol. 1: Home, Myths, & other Untruths
(the only issue where the Editors appear also as authors) “The Top of the World” by Eli Turner “The Weasel” by Jenni Wiltz “Feathers” by Rebecca Woolston “The Remembering” by Elison Alcovendaz “Interiors” by Jon Alston “Warmth” by Johnny Sittisin “When the Truth Creeps Out of Nowhere” by Josh Fernandez “The Evacuation Plan” by Erica Sanders “16-Bit Babylon” by Ulises Palmeno “Grandpa’s Garden” by Carmen Micsa “Mountains + Ocean = Home” by Tess Perez “Logar” by Jamil Kochai |